I’m proud to showcase the official announcement trailer for DOOM: The Dark Ages. I was involved in many aspects across gameplay, cinematics, level lighting, and reviews. Amazing work by an incredible team.
Author Archives: William
Jedi Fallen Order – Kashyyyk – Shadowlands

This gallery contains 19 photos.
Early Development – Not final lighting. I set up initial lighting on the Shadowlands area before handing off to other artists. This gallery shows that unfinished version. I was responsible Continue ReadingJedi Fallen Order – Kashyyyk – Shadowlands
Jedi Fallen Order – Zeffo – Crashed Venator

This gallery contains 42 photos.
I was responsible for environment lighting which includes global atmosphere, local fog density, light fixtures, and scripted lights. Lighting is a close collaboration with environment art, design, skybox, and many Continue ReadingJedi Fallen Order – Zeffo – Crashed Venator
Jedi Fallen Order – Zeffo – Tomb of Miktrull / Pull Temple

This gallery contains 31 photos.
I was responsible for environment lighting which includes global atmosphere, local fog density, light fixtures, and scripted lights. Lighting is a close collaboration with environment art, design, skybox, and many Continue ReadingJedi Fallen Order – Zeffo – Tomb of Miktrull / Pull Temple
Jedi Fallen Order – Bracca – Cargo Train

This gallery contains 163 photos.
I was responsible for environment lighting which includes global atmosphere, local fog density, light fixtures, and scripted lights. Lighting is a close collaboration with environment art, design, skybox, and many Continue ReadingJedi Fallen Order – Bracca – Cargo Train
Jedi Fallen Order – Bracca – Passenger Train

This gallery contains 16 photos.
I was responsible for environment lighting which includes global atmosphere, local fog density, light fixtures, and scripted lights. Lighting is a close collaboration with environment art, design, skybox, and many Continue ReadingJedi Fallen Order – Bracca – Passenger Train
Jedi Fallen Order – Bracca – Shipbreaking Yard

This gallery contains 116 photos.
I was responsible for environment lighting which includes global atmosphere, local fog density, light fixtures, and scripted lights. Lighting is a close collaboration with environment art, design, skybox, and many Continue ReadingJedi Fallen Order – Bracca – Shipbreaking Yard
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
Preview Gallery
I was responsible for the following environment lighting which includes global atmosphere, local fog density, light fixtures, and scripted lights. Lighting is a close collaboration with environment art, design, skybox, and many team members.
During development I created blueprints for fog and light fixtures, trained in house and outsource lighting teams, and developed features with code and tech art such as the light scripting system we used to link light sources with emissive fixtures.
- Bracca – Shipbreaking Yard
- Bracca – Passenger Train
- Bracca – Cargo Train
- Zeffo – Tomb of Miktrull (Pull Temple)
- Zeffo – Crashed Venator
- Zeffo – miscellaneous areas
- Kashyyyk – Shadowlands (early development)
- Kashyyyk – E3 cinematic lighting
Bracca – Shipbreaking Yard
Bracca – Passenger Train
Bracca – Cargo Train
Zeffo – Crashed Venator
Zeffo – Tomb of Miktrull
Kashyyyk – Shadowlands
Early lighting development for Shadowlands. These screenshots do not represent the final game.